There are a number of ways to legally make quick cash. One of those professions is painting. One doesn’t need a whole lot of prior experience in order to land one of these jobs. It’s rather straightforward in nature. However, how does one go about getting a painting job? This piece will outline that process — along with some suggestions for someone looking to earn some immediate cash without the frills of an office setting — or any of the politics associated with some other jobs.

Putting Out Ads
Whether it’s for companies, private businesses, or home owners, the opportunities to paint are definitely available. Self-promotion might be uncomfortable — though it’s imperative when trying to secure employment in such a situation. By marketing one’s self with ads — either on the internet or with old school flyers — you give yourself a chance to be seen. It makes sense to post flyers in local coffee shops, on telephone poles, and in locations where industry and construction may be taking place. The nice thing is that the worker tasked with painting houses is often paid under the table with cold hard cash rather than with a check. If one desires immediate money, a painting gig seems like a great idea.
Word of Mouth
The word of mouth is still a very effective tool if done properly. If you know of a friend who has a painting job, ask whether that job needs further assistance. Duly, overturn all possible rocks — whether it’s asking friends, family, or your followers on social media. By spreading yourself across multiple platforms (whether digital or not), you give yourself a better chance at getting a painting job rather than not.
The internet is a wonderful tool. It allows you to reach a large number of people without putting in a ton of effort. Staying in the realm of self-promotion, one could create their own website specifically stating all of your skills (including the painting of houses). Duly, one could peruse the search engine sites which show businesses specifically looking for short-contract/freelance painters. The likes of Indeed, Simply Hired, and ZipRecruiter are three job-based sites which often show job listings. By staying diligent and checking the updated listings on a daily basis, one should be able to find employment.
Door-to-Door Grassroots Effort
When all else fails, doing a little bit of ‘boots on the ground’ work can’t hurt. Whether it’s knocking on people’s front doors, leaving fliers on their doorstep, or scattering them on cars in a parking lot, there are ways to get one’s self out there for potential painting jobs. Highlight your past experience on a flier. Furthermore, dress appropriately when knocking on people’s doors. You want to give off the appearance of someone knowing what they’re doing rather than coming across as an unprofessional slob. Another solid idea would be to target older neighborhoods — where it’s evident that the outdated homes need a bit of a cosmetic facelift.
Image Source: HouseLogic