The act of winning something can truly be a thrilling experience. With advances in technology, millions of online sweepstakes have been made available to everyone. The types of prizes offered are mind-boggling. With the simple click of a button, one can enter a contest for the chance to win valuable items — such as a car, a tropical vacation, electronics, or even actual money.
There are ways in which the contest participant can be both efficient and effective in earning these prizes. Use this as a guide to help win big!
Create Multiple Emails
Any online contest will ask for an email address to set up the initial process. Depending upon the stipulations, the sweepstakes may only allow one entry/email address. If the contest is of great significance, there is a way to circumvent the email address limit. By creating multiple email addresses, one can essentially have more irons in the proverbial fire. In addition, these “junk” email addresses will normally receive email updates for every contest one enters — in addition to ads for future sweepstakes. These addresses prevent one’s work or personal email inbox from getting cluttered.
*Make sure to save those passwords for these extra email addresses! Jot them down on a piece of paper for reference.
Use Autofill Shortcuts For Completing Forms
It can take an annoyingly long time to fill out entry forms. When having to do this over and over, the process is both arduous and time consuming. However, tools such as Autofill, Texter, and Roboform will help tremendously in avoiding this process. These programs are free, and can be installed on one’s computer/device. It’ll save one’s personal entry information, and will prevent the player from having to re-type entry forms. This will allow for the sweepstakes player to enter more contests at a higher clip.
Be Wary Of Scams!
Unfortunately, sweepstakes and scams are synonymous with one another. There are plenty of credible contests, and some which look to take advantage of an eager player. When entering a contest, one NEVER wants to input their credit card information. The last thing you want is to see one of your precious credit cards be compromised in any way. You want to enter contests to win money, not lose it! Secondly, one can’t win anything legally if the individual doesn’t remember entering the contest in the first place. Should an individual receive an email with potential winnings, it’s likely a red flag.
*Also, read the fine print for eligibility rules. One wouldn’t want to win a contest — only to find out that they’re not eligible to receive the prize.
Join A Sweepstakes Club
There are online communities geared towards helping one another out as it pertains to winning contests. Message boards and chat rooms are dedicated towards the uncovering of intriguing contests. For someone in their infancy sweepstakes stage, the contest community can be a very valuable tool. Learning from a veteran contest player could mean the difference between winning big and missing out on a wonderful prize!
Play The Odds
Each and every online contest has specific terms. It will usually include the amount of entries allowed. When playing the odds, it makes more sense to go for smaller contests that limit eligibility. Simply put, the fewer amount of entries possible increase one’s chances at winning the prize. In addition, contests offering more prizes (such as 1,000 winners, 5,000 winners) are clearly more attractive when compared to a sweepstakes with one single prize-winner.
Image Source: PrizeGrab