Narcolepsy Warning Signs

Narcolepsy is a condition which reportedly impacts over 200,000 people within the United States and over three million across the world. To that fact, it’s also estimated that only a quarter of these people are getting proper help and care for the condition.

Essentially narcolepsy is a condition where the brain is impacted when trying to control sleep-wake cycles. This could lead to the feeling of being constantly fired or fatigued. This piece will look at the signs of narcolepsy that can most impact someone.

Disrupted Sleep Patterns

There are a few things from underneath the narcolepsy umbrella which could pop up. Cataplexy and sleep paralysis are both traits which impact the body adversely. In the case of sleep paralysis, someone either waking up or falling asleep may feel the sensation of being unable to move their body (and in some cases speaking may be an issue). In a sense, it’s as if they’re completely locked up for a few minutes.

Cataplexy is when the appearance of prominent emotions (anger, fear, amusement, shock) could lead to slurred speech, body function issues, or knee weakening. In both cataplexy and sleep paralysis, the muscles are adversely impacted. One results in the loss of function completely, while the other relates to a frozen feeling.

Lastly, constantly waking up during the night could be a result of narcolepsy. Sometimes, the person waking up in the middle of the night may be dealing with an elevated heart rate. In any case, constantly waking up in the evening could be a sign of narcolepsy — and it may prolong the feeling of being exhausted during the day.


When we talk about hallucinations, we aren’t speaking about them in the normal way many associate themselves it. Someone with narcolepsy isn’t going to necessarily start seeing things in their everyday life. However, one can be impacted from waking up from a sleep. There are times when hallucinations may occur post-waking up. Some even happen as the person is falling asleep.

Additionally, symptoms of narcolepsy can include vivid dreams. These are the types of dreams which are very intense in nature. The intensity may even be manifested from an enhanced senses standpoint (taste, smell, sound, etc.).

Daytime Sleepiness

Many view this specific characteristic of narcolepsy as being potentially the most frequent of the symptoms. Excessive Daytime Sleepiness can range when it comes to its potency. It’ll make the person feel perpetually tired during the day — and even lead to the person spontaneously falling sleep.

This is somewhat alarming when involved in a conversation, or doing some other type of activity. It’s another thing completely when operating machinery — or even a vehicle. As such, precautions most certainly need to be taken.