When the proposition of a healthcare job pops up, many assume it’ll take a considerable amount of time and money in order to earn a degree in the field. While this may be the case for some Medical Schools and Nursing Schools, there are other opportunities in which someone can work in the field without having to break the proverbial bank over a long period of time.

This piece will aim to describe the type of degrees one could try to earn should they want to work in the healthcare sector. Duly, the programs will be further analyzed as it pertains to overall cost — as well as the time it would take in order to earn one of these illustrious degrees.
Benefits of These Degrees
There are a number of exciting degrees available for those who want to get into the medical field. Some of these people want a fast-track towards earning a job. For others, this represents the opportunity to get into medicine if their grades in high school weren’t up to par for a traditional four-year experience. Lastly, the cost of these schools can be far less expensive than a four-year undergrad program — which is then followed by a minimum of three years at another academic institution.
Traditionally speaking, the cost of a healthcare degree — whether in-person or online — is far less expensive when compared to a med school or nursing school setting. For instance, B.S. in Professional Studies – Health Administration from a top-ranked online institution (Aspen University) has an annual tuition rate of $4,500. Tennessee State University offers a similar program for $4,200 a year.
On average, in-state med school programs could cost roughly $40,000 a year. Out-of-state schools may reach north of $60,000 per school year. These rates might expand even further if the institution is a private school.
Types of Degrees
There are a number of different degrees one can procure from underneath the umbrella of healthcare. An added bonus is the fact that these jobs are normally in high demand. Rarely will be someone be out of work should they hold a degree in some form of healthcare.
Some of these jobs include becoming a dental assistant, an x-ray technician, massage therapy, medical billing and coding, clinical medical assisting, public health, counseling studies, health care administration, and medical office administration (among others). For virtually all of these degrees, there are varying levels of completion that need to occur. Some can be accomplished as associate degrees — while others involve getting a Bachelor’s, a Master’s, or even a Doctoral degree.
Image Source: All Allied Health Schools