People love landing deals on products. Anytime money can be save, this opens up an opportunity to acquire a good without having to break the proverbial bank. Some of that saved money can then go towards a fun activity — such as a vacation or that pair of shoes you desperately have wanted. An example of savings comes in the form of prescription coupons and prescription saving cards. Those might be unaware, but there are some great perks associated with these coupon cards.

This piece will delve into prescription coupons/saving cards — especially as it pertains to the different brand options, and also the savings associated with the cards themselves.
Prescription Cards
Essentially, prescription cards allow for patients to lower the costs associated with medications. There are a number of discount plans to ultimately choose from. Some of the most prominent discount plans include CVS Prescription Card, GoodRX, Blink Health, US Pharmacy Card, ScriptSave WellRX, Wallgreens RX, and others. Many times, the patient can enter some sort of discount plan which is normally linked to the neighborhood pharmacy they use.
These cards are free — and can normally be downloaded via an app. When going to get one’s medicine from the pharmacist, the card must be shown. From there, the price will be discounted accordingly, and the user will be entitled to less of a payment than normal. Here’s the rub: Some studies have studied that if the patient does use this discount card, the pharmacy may offer a more expensive drug. While the discount would occur, the normal cost of a drug sans the discount could theoretically be less due to the fact that the non-discounted drug option likely is cheaper in price than the one with the card.
Along with that, the user must do their diligence in understanding the card as a whole. Some may expire after a specific period of months. Others may be exhausted after a certain amount of prescriptions filled.
Prescription Coupons
Users can find coupons on a number of these discount sites. For those who don’t have insurance at all, these coupons can be life savers in more than one sense. Each discount program will likely offer some sort of coupon to use when filling a prescription. Some estimates have patients saving up to 80-percent off the listed price of a prescription. GoodRx for example is said to be a brand where a number of coupons can be acquired.
Does it Work With Medicaid?
There’s considerable conversation as it pertains to Medicaid and some of these programs. There are instances where some cannot be combined with heath insurance programs. It’s even more significant for the potential user to read the fine print and act accordingly when signing up for a discount plan. It must be able to mesh completely with their existing insurance plan for the discounts to go into effect.
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